Abby Adams, 40-something, a self-employed freelance graphic artist who works out of her home. She’s bright, a thinker, sometimes spontaneous and was rebellious in her youth.
Dan Casey, 40-something, Abby’s husband, an advertising account executive who tries to control things in his business and personal life with very little success.
Sarah Casey, 60-something, Dan’s newly widowed mother. She’s an uptight proper lady with a fondness for wine, gin, scotch and the like. She’s a little critical, but she means well.
Claudia Adams, 60-something, Abby’s mother, also a widow. She’s a free spirit with a willingness to try anything new, so long as it’s legal.
Peter Mason, 50-something, an AA sponsor, the black sheep of his family and proud of it.
Russ Neary, 60-something, a somewhat shy gentleman caller who’s looking for love.
Stanley Walker, 60-something, a wealthy widower with an eye for the ladies, a hedonistic streak and a lot of notches on his bedpost.
Also Needed!!!
- Box Office Volunteers
- Ushers
- Intermission Volunteers
- Crew
The show will be performed on:
- Friday, November 3rd at 7:30pm
- Saturday, November 4th at 7:30pm
- Sunday, November 5th at 2:30pm
- Friday, November 10th at 7:30pm
- Saturday, November 11th at 7:30pm
- Sunday November 12th at 2:30pm
Rehearsals will begin On September 18th and will take place on Sunday, Monday, Thursday and Friday evenings from 7:00pm to 10:30pm until the run of the show.
For more information call 401-846-7426 ext 1.