NEW** Classic Lit: Moby Dick, or The Whale (1851) by Herman Melville
Sessions: 4 Class Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm
TUESDAY – 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26 Class Limit: 20 Member $35/Non-Member $60
These days, it’s often called “the Great American Novel.” But Herman Melville’s Moby Dick was a flop when published. It’s still a daunting, but mesmerizing, book to read today. Moby Dick is a wild seafaring adventure tale, an encyclopedia of 19th century whaling, a mystical philosophical exploration, and a mythic journey into the heart of the American character. Wondrous, compelling, mind-blowing, and occasionally boring, the book is as much a fascinating monster as the White Whale himself. Sharpen your harpoons! We will tackle this giant together. Eileen Warburton will provide background, biography, and historical context while guiding the discussion with questions and themes.
Usually, you are required to read the book completely in advance, right? THIS time, you may read in blocks. By the first session: read Chapters 1 through 41. By the second session: read Chapters 42 through 98. By the third session: finish reading the book. Use any unabridged edition.
Eileen Warburton holds the PhD in English and American Literature from the University of Pennsylvania and is the author of many books and articles, including the critically acclaimed 2004 biography of modern English novelist, John Fowles. She has taught literature at URI, BU, and Bryant and specializes locally in researching Newport history.