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Chair Yoga with Lynne (Live On Zoom)

2020-09-22 11:00 2020-09-22 12:00 America/New_York Chair Yoga with Lynne (Live On Zoom)

Chair Yoga with Lynne (Live on Zoom) Description:In this time of the COVID-19 Virus, Chair Yoga via Zoom is a good opportunity to try it out or return to your practice; in your own home with your EKH yoga peers.  Movement and de-stressing will be key to these sessions.  Many yoga poses can be done using a chair and provide the potential to increase flexibility, balance, dexterity, focus and mental clarity. Classes will include basic yoga fundamentals such as breathing techniques; stretching and warm-ups; instruction of seated and standing poses with modifications; meditation and relaxation.   All levels of skill are welcome to attend.  All you need is a good stable chair on a non-slippery surface. Dates: 9/15, 9/22 & 9/29  Time: 11:00am Pre-registration is required for this class.  Click the red link above to register online. Curent EKH members should call 401-846-7426 or email info@edwardkinghouse.org to get your access code and promo code to get 50% off the cost of this class.

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Chair Yoga with Lynne (Live on Zoom)
Description:In this time of the COVID-19 Virus, Chair Yoga via Zoom is a good opportunity to try it out or return to your practice; in your own home with your EKH yoga peers.  Movement and de-stressing will be key to these sessions.  Many yoga poses can be done using a chair and provide the potential to increase flexibility, balance, dexterity, focus and mental clarity. Classes will include basic yoga fundamentals such as breathing techniques; stretching and warm-ups; instruction of seated and standing poses with modifications; meditation and relaxation.   All levels of skill are welcome to attend.  All you need is a good stable chair on a non-slippery surface. Dates: 9/15, 9/22 & 9/29  Time: 11:00am

Pre-registration is required for this class.  Click the red link above to register online. Curent EKH members should call 401-846-7426 or email info@edwardkinghouse.org to get your access code and promo code to get 50% off the cost of this class.