All Booked All Booked All Booked 1941 It’s a KING Thing Food Drive 2025-01-08

It’s a KING Thing Food Drive

2025-01-08 09:00 2025-01-08 16:00 America/New_York It’s a KING Thing Food Drive

Because no one should EVER go hungry! The Edward King House is teaming up with the MLK Community Center and their food pantry. As you can see, their cupboards are bare. We are asking our members and our neighbors to come to the EKH any day this week to drop off a non-perishable food item. Cans, boxes, anything that does not need refrigeration and is cupboard ready!

35 King St, Newport, RI 02840, USA


Because no one should EVER go hungry! The Edward King House is teaming up with the MLK Community Center and their food pantry. As you can see, their cupboards are bare. We are asking our members and our neighbors to come to the EKH any day this week to drop off a non-perishable food item. Cans, boxes, anything that does not need refrigeration and is cupboard ready!