0 Edward King House Senior Center All Booked All Booked All Booked 149635 The Alexander Technique with Mara https://www.edwardkinghouse.org/event/the-alexander-technique-with-mara-2/?event_date=2022-03-03&reg=1 https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr 2022-03-03

The Alexander Technique with Mara

2022-03-03 13:00 2022-03-03 14:00 America/New_York The Alexander Technique with Mara

The Alexander Technique with Mara  (In Person/indoors) Description: The Alexander Technique addresses posture, poise and pain relief. It teaches you how to think differently about how you move and carry yourself. You don’t need any physical skill, just an open and curious mind. Must be fully vaccinated to participate in this 5 session class.   Time: 1:00pm (3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31)

35 King Street, Newport RI
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The Alexander Technique with Mara  (In Person/indoors)
Description: The Alexander Technique addresses posture, poise and pain relief. It teaches you how to think differently about how you move and carry yourself. You don’t need any physical skill, just an open and curious mind. Must be fully vaccinated to participate in this 5 session class.   Time: 1:00pm (3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31)