
Remembering “The Rat Pack”

Sessions: 4  Class Time:  1:30pm-3:30pm

FRIDAY— 5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/24  Class Limit:  25  Member $35/ Non-Member $60

Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop, known as “The Rat Pack”,  helped set the style and pace of America in the mid-50s through the mid-60s. The Rat Pack made Vegas their kingdom with Frank and the boys ruling generously — a private corner of America, where anything goes. But when JFK, newly elected President with the support of the Rat Pack, is advised that the friends who made him shouldn’t  be the friends he keeps, the guys soon discover that lady luck has chosen a different direction. And when Attorney General Robert Kennedy begins a crackdown on mob ties in Vegas, the Rat Pack’s world is cut loose and slowly drifts out of their control. All of this is included in this 4-week program, along with the history and biographies of the “Rat Pack” members, including the original chairman, Humphrey Bogart. But best of all is the music, movies and comedy of this incredible team of performers. Come and join me for a fun filled program.

Brett Morse worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over forty years. He is a graduate of Bryant College, served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam era, and is a certified yoga instructor.

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