
Virtual Winter Fitness Program Registration Now Open

Virtual Winter Fitness Program 

Note: These classes are not meant to replace any medical care.  Please check with your physician or
medical practitioner before participating in any exercise class. Registering for these classes states that
you agree that neither the Edward King House Senior Center, nor its trustees, representatives,
employees, contractors and agents may be held liable in any way for an occurrence in connection with any activity which may result in injury, harm or other damages to the registrant or members of our organization and guests, invited or not.
Each class is sold in monthly bundles.  Refunds are not available.


Pilates with Emily 
Description: Its muscle-strengthening benefits mean that it is also very beneficial for over 50s. That’s because, as you get older, you start to lose muscle mass and engaging with a regular Pilates routine will help strengthen those muscles in the long-term  Dates: 1/5, 1/12, 1/19, 1/26  Time: 9:00am   

Balance , Breath and Movement with Kathy from ShipShape
Description: Do you want to maintain or improve your mobility and strength as you age? Is loss of balance and falling a concern? This customized program assesses your current abilities and incorporates balance, stretching, and strengthening movements to increase mind/body awareness and incorporates balance, stretching, and strengthening movements. Dates:1/5, 1/12, 1/19. 1/26     Time: 10:00am

Boxing Fitness with Karen
Description:  Throwing punches is a fun way to stay strong and fit at any age, but it is especially beneficial for older adults. Come get moving with professional boxer Karen Dulin from Newport Boxfit. Boxing moves are great for cognitive function!   Dates:1/5, 1/12, 1/19. 1/26     Time: 10:00am

Chair Yoga with Lynne 
Description:In this time of the COVID-19 Virus, Chair Yoga via Zoom is a good opportunity to try it out or return to your practice; in your own home with your EKH yoga peers.  Movement and de-stressing will be key to these sessions.  Many yoga poses can be done using a chair and provide the potential to increase flexibility, balance, dexterity, focus and mental clarity. Classes will include basic yoga fundamentals such as breathing techniques; stretching and warm-ups; instruction of seated and standing poses with modifications; meditation and relaxation.   All levels of skill are welcome to attend.  All you need is a good stable chair on a non-slippery surface. Dates:1/5, 1/12, 1/19. 1/26 Time: 11:00am


Gentle Yoga with Elizabeth 
Description:Recommended for all levels looking for a soothing, relaxing, and restorative experience, especially those newer to yoga or working with special concerns or injuries.Dates: 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27  Time: 10:00am

Tai Chi with Kenji 
Description: Tai Chi is a slow and gentle exercise that is suitable for older adults, even if they are managing chronic conditions. It offers the benefits of flexibility, muscle strengthening, and endurance training. Tai Chi can improve the health of seniors without worsening existing impairments. Dates:1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27   Time: 10:30am


Pilates with Emily 
Description: Its muscle-strengthening benefits mean that it is also very beneficial for over 50s. That’s because, as you get older, you start to lose muscle mass and engaging with a regular Pilates routine will help strengthen those muscles in the long-term  Dates: 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28  Time: 9:00am  

Balance , Breath and Movement with Kathy from ShipShape
Description: Do you want to maintain or improve your mobility and strength as you age? Is loss of balance and falling a concern? This customized program assesses your current abilities and incorporates balance, stretching, and strengthening movements to increase mind/body awareness and incorporates balance, stretching, and strengthening movements. Dates:1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28   Time: 10:00am

Chair Yoga with Lynne
Description:In this time of the COVID-19 Virus, Chair Yoga via Zoom is a good opportunity to try it out or return to your practice; in your own home with your EKH yoga peers.  Movement and de-stressing will be key to these sessions.  Many yoga poses can be done using a chair and provide the potential to increase flexibility, balance, dexterity, focus and mental clarity. Classes will include basic yoga fundamentals such as breathing techniques; stretching and warm-ups; instruction of seated and standing poses with modifications; meditation and relaxation.   All levels of skill are welcome to attend.  All you need is a good stable chair on a non-slippery surface. Dates:1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28  Time: 11:00am

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